ACOs Using Lightbeam Solutions Achieve $3 Billion+ in MSSP Savings. Read the press release to learn more.



Based on the strategies documented in the Office of Inspector General July study, “ACOs’ Strategies for Transitioning to Value-Based Care: Lessons From the Medicare Shared Savings Program.”

Join us as Lightbeam Senior Advisor Maha Salah-Ud-Din discusses how leveraging the right approach with SNFs and HHAs to manage patients in value-based contracts can lead to improvements in patient quality outcomes and reductions in unnecessary utilization and spend.

During this webinar, you will learn about the following five strategies when working with SNFs and HHAs:

  • Designating SNFs and HHAs as preferred providers
  • Putting ACO staff in SNFs to monitor patients
  • Conducting prompt care hand-offs
  • Including primary care physicians (PCPs) in the treatment of patients
  • Using a SNF 3-day rule waiver

ACO arrangements often lack SNFs and HHAs because they are ineligible to be formal providers and can only join a network of preferred providers. There is generally not an incentive to include them in different ways. However, while skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies are often underutilized, ACOs that provide additional coordination find lasting benefits in leveraging a relationship with SNFs and HHAs.

Complete the form to learn more about coordinating care with skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies.


Maha Salahuddin

Maha Salah-Ud-Din
Lightbeam Advisor

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