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How Advisory Services Helps Value-Based Care Organizations Reach Their Goals

How Advisory Services Helps Value-Based Care Organizations Reach Their Goals

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In this post, I will walk through what we as an Advisory Services team do to help each client reach their value-based care goals.

Most health organizations do not have time to learn the ins and outs of population health initiatives on their own, let alone implement a strategic plan with the required moving parts to achieve physician buy-in and healthcare team alignment. Once coming on board with Lightbeam, we help clients develop a strategy based on their current contracts, capabilities, and data quality to produce tangible results. To ensure client success, we assign a dedicated advisor to each new client to help simplify the value-based care experience and instill the right workflows, leveraging the Lightbeam population health management platform.

Lightbeam Advisory Services starts off with an in-depth review of the client’s purchasing motive. This helps us create the best plan possible based on their unique needs. When customizing these plans for a client, there are three main questions we find answers to:

1.  Where are you now?

First, we find out where the client stands and what capabilities they currently have. Workflows are unique to each client’s wants, needs, and resources. A three-doctor practice has a very different staffing model compared to an 800+ doctor health system who has a fully functional care management division.

We then examine areas that include how the client currently identifies gaps in care or high-risk, high-cost patients. We also ask questions about current care management operations, participation in payer covered programs such as chronic care management (CCM), and annual wellness visits.

2.  Where do you want to be?

Next, our Advisory Services team helps set goals and benchmarks for the organization to work towards. Just as workflows and capabilities vary, so do the objectives of each healthcare organization. Some clients are looking to increase care coordination, grow their network, and keep patients on their roster while others are wanting more shared savings. We revisit the purchasing motive to ensure these targets align with the client’s expectations. Our team is then able to help clients map short and long-term goals and walk through the steps to attain them.

3.  How do you get there?

Once we know what the client is capable of and where they want to be, we tailor a plan that will help them succeed. There is no cookie cutter approach for implementing a population health strategy.

Our team reviews what contracts the client has whether it be commercial, Medicare Advantage, or MSSP, etc. and knows how to match up various reimbursement models with our platform’s applications. Knowing what incentives and shared savings are applicable, our team builds specific cohorts around the business initiatives we identify for the client’s strategy.

The work is not done after the review session. The Advisory Services team continues their work with the clients by helping them implement and feel confident using Lightbeam and teaching best practice workflows.

Josh Patten, Lightbeam’s Director of Advisory Services

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