Accelerate Quality Improvement by Creating Payer-Provider Transparency
Lightbeam’s data-driven population health enablement platform gives your team the capabilities they need to improve HEDIS measure performance and Star Ratings while enabling gap closure, increased member satisfaction, and better value-based care outcomes.
Failing to maintain or improve STAR Ratings and coming short on HEDIS measures can happen for any number of reasons, resulting in lower quality scores
Getting providers on board with your quality program goals will ensure they play their part early on to satisfy quality measures
Supporting members in attending annual wellness visits and regular preventive screenings requires a robust member engagement strategy
Lightbeam is NCQA-certified for HEDIS measures and provides the tools your organization needs at every stage of care delivery to ensure improved quality performance.
Robust Analytics & Insights
Lightbeam’s analytics platform creates payer-provider alignment and transparency by:
- Illuminating performance metrics across the enterprise, drilling down to specific contracts, practices, providers, or individual members
- Providing easy-to-understand reports highlighting quality measure, benchmark, and organizational goal performance, as well as peer-to-peer comparisons
Lightbeam’s reports and charts can be scheduled to distribute on a recurring basis to provide progress updates and keep providers aligned with your goals.
Point-of-Care Solutions
Lightbeam’s point-of-care solutions surface open care gaps where a provider needs them most—in the exam room or EHR.
- Face sheets can be customized based on contract type or cohort (demographics, conditions, equity gaps, etc.), or can feature initiatives of your choosing
- Lightbeam’s Ribbon Solution overlays on top of the EHR and requires no additional logins or screens, allowing providers to work how they prefer while surfacing important details to capture risk
Member Engagement Solutions
Deviceless Remote Patient Monitoring® (DRPM) is an evidence-based member engagement solution with a proven track record of:
- Improving member engagement and satisfaction by expanding care manager reach – See how Deviceless RPM enabled ACOs to produce 14% higher average scores for CAHPS® measures related to Stewardship of Patient Resources
- Bridging the digital divide by making care technology more accessible to members who may be hard to reach due to their location, socioeconomic factors, or disabilities/health issues
- +18% increase in asthma medication adherence
- 566 alerts provided data for successful early intervention
- -1.35 decrease in HbA1c for engaged diabetes members
- -22% reduction in ED visits for engaged asthma members
- Over $53M in total medical cost reduction
- 54,000 members enrolled
- 35 minutes to resolve alerts, on average
- 5M total automated member outreaches
- 16% reduction in total professional PMPM expenditures
- 13% decrease in total inpatient PMPM expenditures
- 26% decrease in hospital admissions per thousand members
- 15% reduction in ED visits per thousand members